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ReOxy (리옥시)

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Product Name ReOxy (리옥시)
Price 제품 문의
Brand Ai Mediq


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REOXY® is a new breathing therapy medical device, that treats a patient with individually dosed
levels of reduced-oxygen (hypoxic) gas mixtures throughout the procedure


Easy to operate


Select or enter a patient to the patient & procedure database managemnet system


Confirm the calculated procedure parameters and alarm limits. Put on the sensor and mask.


During the procedure, ReOxy monitors Sp02, PR and O2. The procedure lasts for 30-60 min.


technical image1


- Supplied gas mixtures:
ㆍhypoxic (10-14% O2)
ㆍhyperoxic (30-40 % O2)
- Automatic switching of gas flows (SRT-technology)
- Automatic flow volume regulation

technical image2


- Individually-programmed operating modes
- Automatic analysis of test results
- Monitoring of heart rate and blood oxygen
ㆍsaturation powered by leading Masimo SET technology
- Maintenance of patient database, providing for data
ㆍexport and further statistical analysis
- Possibilities for updating built-in software

technical image3


- automatic identification of the maximal treatment efficiency zone
- automatic switch between gas flows when reaching maximal and minimal threshold values
- manual gas flows switch
- integrated safety valve (automatic supply of ambient air)
- alarm signals (acoustic and visual warnings)

technical image04


- Trends of supplied 02, pulse rate and flow
rates registered powered by Masimo SET technology
- Display of current and preset parameters for the
- Mode indication (hyperoxic/hypoxic)
- Entry of patient data, choice of procedure parameters
- Integrated confrol display


The operational safety of the unit is only assured when used for the purpose it is intended for, as specified in the instrucions for use.

The ReOxy device must only be used according to the medical indication and only in accordance with the doctor's prescription by following instructions for use.

The intended use also includes the compliance with the assembly instructions, as well as the notes on cleaning and maintenance of the ReOxy device.

Any other use of the unit beyond these limits is prohibited and is not considered as unintended use! Claims of any kind against the manufacturer and/or his authorized representatives resulting from damage caused by unintended use of the unit are excluded. The operator is solely liable for any damage resulting from unintended use.

ReOxy Respiratory therapy


ReOxy (Ai Mediq, Luxembourg) is the latest generation respiratory therapy device, which allows improving oxygen circulation in the body without the help of medicines, strengthening and restoring the patient's physical endurance and cognitive abilities. During ReOxy procedures, the patient breathes an individually dosed mixture of gases with a reduced amount of oxygen (simulating hypoxia conditions). The main goal of ReOxy therapy is to restore normal oxygen supply in the body. This is a very important factor for improving the health of the respiratory, cardiovascular system, and in sports medicine, as well as for improving cognitive abilities and general health.

ReOxy therapy is especially valuable during the rehabilitation period after contracting Covid-19!


ㆍimproves a person's ability to perform physical activities, which is especially important during the rehabilitation period after various diseases and injuries;

ㆍallows you to effectively prepare for conditions of high physical exertion;

ㆍimproves lung function;

ㆍnormalizes metabolism;

ㆍimproves the functioning of the nervous system;

ㆍimproves the general condition of the body.



To regain strength and endurance in patients who are practically unable to perform physical exercises due to their health condition, but they are necessary to improve or preserve the quality of life.

To improve the function of the respiratory system in case of pulmonological problems.

ㆍRehabilitation after contracting Covid-19.

To prepare professional athletes and sports enthusiasts for heavy physical exertion or rarefied air conditions, as well as to ensure a full-fledged recovery process after physical overload and sports injuries.

ㆍAdaptation and recovery - various competitions, intensive training, mountaineering, diving, etc. To improve general physical and emotional condition.

ㆍImproving sleep quality, reducing symptoms of depression, improving cognitive abilities, reducing fatigue, increasing physical endurance. To normalize weight, improve metabolism.

ㆍNormalization of appetite, reduced blood cholesterol and glucose levels, improved body sensitivity to insulin, reduced metabolic risk factors.



1. hypoxic test

The test is necessary to individually adjust the course of the procedure to the specific patient. During the test, the patient breathes a gas mixture with a reduced oxygen content through a special mask. During the measurements, the patient's vital indicators are monitored. The test is absolutely safe and automated. Based on the data obtained in the test, the REOxy device automatically calculates the parameters of the further procedure.

Test duration: 10 minutes.

2. basic procedure

The ReOxy procedure can be compared to climbing mountains - the air is rarefied on the peaks of the mountains, while the oxygen concentration is higher on the slopes. During the procedure, the patient "climbs" and "descends" the mountains several times, training and hardening his body in this way. During the procedure, a gas mixture with a low oxygen content and a gas mixture with an increased (up to 2 times) oxygen content are alternately applied with so-called re-oxygenation periods (regeneration). Such a variable regimen is easy to tolerate and completely safe. The patient inhales and exhales the gas mixture through a special mask. The patient's physiological indicators are monitored throughout the procedure. If the indicators start to change and do not meet the established norm, the procedure is automatically stopped.

Duration of the procedure: 40 minutes

Course duration: 10-15 procedures. The effect, depending on the specific case, remains for 6-12 months


ReOxy procedure:

ㆍpromotes the transformation of blood vessels and their increase in number, increasing blood flow in the body (organs are more efficiently supplied with the necessary oxygen and nutrients);

ㆍoptimizes the use of oxygen in the body - there is a transition from oxidative metabolism to glycolytic metabolism, which is a more efficient way of energy synthesis.

These invisible processes have a beneficial effect on the entire body - both the cardiovascular system, respiratory and nervous systems, while improving the body's endurance and metabolism.


ㆍacute cerebrovascular episodes (stroke);

ㆍacute ischemic heart disease (infarction);

ㆍheart failure;

ㆍchronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);

ㆍbronchial asthma with significant respiratory disorders.

If the patient has any of the above diseases or is suspected of having one, a prior consultation with a doctor is required regarding the usefulness and safety of the procedure.



We accept the following forms of payment:
- Credit Card
  - Visa
  - MasterCard
  - American Express
  - Discover
- PayPal


배송 방법 : Parcel Service
배송 지역 : A Region.
배송 비용 : International Shipping Fee
배송 기간 : 1 - 7 days
배송 안내 : Please take into consideration that some products may take additional time for delivery and processing.
Important: Your order is shipped once your payment has been cleared. Please contact our customer service center if you would like to request an exchange or return on your order.

- Customs and Duties

The recipient will be held responsible for international shipments which may be subject to import duties and taxes. Please be advised that these charges are levied by the destination country and we do not have control over them. In the case that the recipient refuses to receive the parcel, the order will be returned to Korea and will not be re-shipped. Relevant expenses (round-trip shipping, customs, etc.) will be deducted from the refund.

비 실물 서비스 (출장비, 교육비 등) 이용 시 고객님에게 연락드리는 담당자를 통하여, 결제 완료 시점으로 부터 1개월 이내 일정을 예약완료 해야합니다.

교환 및 반품정보

Exchange and return address
 - [06529] 서울특별시 서초구 강남대로95길 87 (잠원동) 선진빌딩5층 2호
You are eligible for exchange or return in the following cases:
 - You can exchange or return your order within seven (7) days of receiving your contract details. If the delivery is delayed after you have received your contract details, you can exchange or return your order within seven (7) days upon receipt of your order or after the start of the shipping date.
- You may exchange or return your order within three (3) months following delivery or within thirty (30) days of becoming aware that the goods and services were delivered in specifications that are different from how they were advertised or promised. 
You are not eligible for exchange or return in the following cases:
 - If the goods have been damaged or destroyed due to causes attributable to you (However, you are eligible to cancel your order if you had opened the packaging to examine the contents.)
  - If the value of the goods has depreciated significantly due to partial or heavy use
  - If the value of the goods has depreciated significantly because a long period of time has elapsed, making it difficult to resell the goods 
- If the packaging has been damaged for goods that can be reproduced as identical counterfeits 
 - If we have obtained your consent of ineligibility because irrecoverable damage to the seller is expected in the case of an order cancellation for goods that are produced individually for an order.
 - If the provision of digital content has already commenced. (However, this shall not apply to the portion for which the provision of such digital content has not commenced in cases of a contract comprising divisible services or divisible digital content.)
※ You bear the cost of returning your order in the case of an exchange or return whereby the reason for exchange or return is based on your preferences (including exchange for a different color or size, etc.) rather than damage or if the product not matching its description. 

환불 정보

It takes 3-5 business days to issue a refund for a returned or cancelled order.
Please be advised that your refund may not be processed until the next billing month depending on your credit card issuer's billing schedule.




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